Japanese soba noodle making experience


If you travel to Japan, please enjoy making Japanese soba noodles.

There are many places where you can experience making soba, but please choose a school where you can make delicious Japanese soba.

Japanese soba is a delicious dish, but depending on how it is prepared, it loses its flavor. It is a very delicate dish.

Choosing a good soba-making school is important to make your trip meaningful.

I recommend the soba class taught by Toranosuke Katayama.

Toranosuke Katayama is the most knowledgeable person in Japan about Japanese soba.

Toranosuke Katayama, more than anyone else, can make delicious soba.

If you are a foreign traveler, please ask your travel agency to arrange for Toranosuke Katayama’s soba-making class for us. If there is a request, I will respond.

Toranosuke Katayama is looking forward to making soba with you.

I hope your trip will be an unforgettable and enjoyable one.

Please see the article in “The Japan Times” introducing Toranosuke Katayama.



Click the icon below to link to Toranosuke Katayama’s official website.



#how to make
#soba making school
#soba noodles
#soba making experience
#soba making class



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